3. Issuance of Certification for the Issuance of Special Lighting Permit
4. Issuance of Certification of No Build Zone
5. Issuance of Certificate of Exemption on the Issuance of Building Permit
1. Five (5) sets of Plan duly signed and sealed by Licensed Professional Practitioner (Building Plan); Four (4) copies of Bill of Materials and Estimatessigned by Licensed Professional Practioner (Program of Works); Four (4) copies Building specification duly signed by Licensed; Four (4) copies of accomplished Application Forms (Building Permit Forms, Sanitary/Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit); Zoning clearance from the office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator; and Torrens Title/OCT/CTC/Tax Declaration/Tax Receipt
2. Photocopy of the approved building permit, sanitary/plumbing permit, electrical permit, electronic permit, and/or meccchanical permit; and Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) issued by BFP
3. Certification from the Electrician, Simple Electircal Diagram; and Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEV) issued by BFPand Fire Safety Inspection Clearance (FSIC)
4. Tax Declaration & Zoning Clearance
5. Tax Declaration, Zoning Clearance, Simple Electrical Diagram of Barangay Electrician; and Fire Safety Evaluation issud by BFP & Fire Safety Inpection Clearance
1. Refer to the Computation Table of fees below
2. Refer to the computation table of fees below
3. 130.00
4. 130.00
5. 130.00
Duties and Functions
The engineer shall take charge of the engineering office and shall:
Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in infrastructure development and public works in general of the local government unit concerned;
Advise the governor or mayor, as the case may be, on infrastructure, public works, and other engineering matters;
Administer, coordinate, supervise, and control the construction, maintenance, improvement, and repair of roads, bridges, and other engineering and public works projects of the local government unit concerned;
Provide engineering services to the local government unit concerned, including investigation and survey, engineering designs, feasibility studies, and project management;
In the case of the provincial engineer, exercise technical supervision over all engineering offices of component cities and municipalities; and
Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.